Experiences with self-cathing

Teenagers and young adults unable to properly empty their bladder who use clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) don’t want to feel alone. So, the Boston Children’s Hospital’s departments of urology and psychology created something called the Self-Cathing Experience Journal.

The journal shares first-hand stories about the realities of needing to use a catheter every day, including at public places like school bathrooms. The journal includes stories from children, young adults and parents who represent the collective wisdom of families who have experience with self-cathing.

Consider this entry, which talks about the process of telling friends about self-cathing.

At one of my check-ups, we met this other kid who lives near us and was thinking about using catheters. He wasn’t really sure, so since I was already using them, I said that I’d talk about it with him. I told him it doesn’t hurt at all, and it’s easy and that you should because it helps. A few months later we got together again, and it turned out he was using catheters and was OK with them. I’m happy that it worked, and I kind of liked talking to somebody else who has the same issue as me!
Henry, age 12

To read even more first-hand experiences, go to https://thriving.childrenshospital.org/experience-journal-self-cathing-around-friends-and-at-school/.

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