Tube Feeding Guide to Educate Parents

The nonprofit group Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation offers a website with information for parents and caregivers working with children who are tube-fed. 

On one page, the group offers an introductory guide to educate parents about tube-feeding –”the guide that we, as parents, would have wanted when we were first told that our children needed to be tube fed,” the organization said. 

The guide, which is available as a PDF download HERE, offers words of encouragement from parents, myths and facts about tube feeding that address parent concerns, and a glossary of common terms associated with tube feeding. 

The guide describes different methods of giving tube feedings and provides what many parents need to know about nasal, gastric and gastrojejunal feeding tubes, according to the organization. It also has a section that addresses basic troubleshooting in the home. 

Hard copies currently are unavailable. For more information, customers can contact the group at

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