How to Help Children with Special Needs Cope with Incontinence At School

A new school or a return to school can be exciting. For children with incontinence issues, it also can be anxiety-provoking and can increase the number of stress incontinence accidents. Fortunately, there are steps parents and caregivers of these children can take to ease them back into a comfortable school routine.

Special Needs Parenting Magazine has covered how to smooth the transition back to school for a child with special needs. Parents and caregivers can learn how to discuss a child’s incontinence with school administrators and teachers, how to prepare the child for days away from home, and how to work with families to take the stress out of going back to school.

Children with an intellectual disability or developmental delay are best toilet-trained one step at a time. Don’t expect a child to announce their need to go, pull down their pants, use the potty, and wash their hands all at once, the way their peers might. Toilet training will work best if you focus on the actual act of elimination first and address the other skills later.

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